Connection Groups

How do I BUILD & GROW in my walk with God?

Here at Impact we have Connection Groups to help you on your personal journey. Let's face it– while each of us are all traveling toward the same destination, our journey there is very different. This is why our Connection Groups are designed to help you Build and Grow.
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.  And surely I am with you always, to the very end of age."  Matthew 28: 19-20 NIV
Why Connection Groups?
The vision for our Connection Groups is to live fully into our commitment to holistic salvation and doing Christ’s work in the world.

Our purpose is to engage people to build their relationship with God and grow in the Word; as we transform lives and communities.

Yep, Holistic Salvation - giving our everyday, ordinary lives over to God to become disciples of Jesus for the transformation of lives and communities.
There are Connection Groups to help you BUILD community by building relationships - with yourself through some self-discovery, with others and most importantly with God.

It is an opportunity to engage more deeply into an activity that can enrich your personal journey at Impact and your journey to know yourself and others.
There are also Connection Groups to help you GROW your knowledge and understanding of God’s purpose for you and your journey through studying his Word and applying it in your life.

These groups focus on you experiencing God’s presence, will and direction in your life. In these groups you find great encouragement knowing there are others growing to walk the walk. 


There are Connection Groups to help you BUILD community by building relationships - with yourself through some self-discovery, with others and most importantly with God. It is an opportunity to engage more deeply into an activity that can enrich your personal journey at Impact and your journey to know yourself and others.
Get to know people who may be in a similar season of life as you and can relate to where you are in your personal journey. These groups are Evolve (Young Adults), Men of Impact, Women of Impact, and coming soon Singles and Senior Adults.
Young Adults 18-30ish

Learn More Here
Men of Impact
Interested in learning more about the Men of Impact?  Click Here
Women of Impact
We come together because we are rooted in a desire to see all women prosper; not as the world says we should prosper but, as God promised we shall prosper.

We are currently in our B.O.S.S. Mindset.  Join us for our next B.O.S.S. Event!

Learn More Here
Learn what it means to engage, build, grow, and transform as an Impactor! This class is held virtually at 10:00 am the first Saturday of each month.
Click here to register. 
Our body is a temple and we need to remain active to keep our whole person healthy.  We find fun ways to keep our mind sharp and our body strengthened all while having fun!
Activity Based Groups
Our activity-based groups are centered around being active to care for our mind, body and soul.  We are in the community playing golf, kickball, walking, and much more.

Learn More:
SoulCare consists of doing things for yourself that allow you to improve your spiritual health as well as your body's health.  Unfortunately, people often neglect themselves by forgetting about the many ways to protect and care for their souls.   Let's change this NOW!  Join us for this new round of SoulCare  in September.  #ImpactSoulCare


There are Connection Groups to help you GROW your knowledge and understanding of God’s purpose for you and your journey through studying his Word and applying it in your life. These groups focus on you experiencing God’s presence, will and direction in your life. In these groups you find great encouragement knowing there are others growing to walk the walk.
Shattering Your Strongholds
Fact: Jesus offers us life and life more abundantly. But that promise can seem really far away in the face of obstacles.
Shattering Your Strongholds shows us how to access the freedom we have been promised and embrace joy-filled living.

 Scroll down to the calendar below for the available registration options.

Engage people in a reflective study of who God is, who we are and who we are called to be together.
Exploring these three simple questions “will lead you to a new understanding of the God of love who made you, and a new understanding of yourself as a son or daughter of this God, and as a part of the living body of Christ in the world.”

Click here to Learn more.
Experiencing God
God is inviting you into an intimate love relationship through which He reveals to you His will, His ways, and His work. When you recognize where God is working, you can join Him in what He is doing. Carefully listening to His voice will anchor you in His plan and set you free to live it with boldness and freedom. Then you will experience God doing through you what only He can do.

This Fall session is now full. Please visit Connection Groups in December for the next available session.
Using proven biblical methods and resources transforms individuals, families, communities and even entire nations. Each week’s lesson has two components – an in-depth Bible study on that week’s topic and hands-on financial exercises.
The teaching strategy used in this study treats more than the symptoms of financial bondage – it creates a long-term transformation of the heart. This is the most effective way to find biblically based answers to one’s financial questions and difficulties.

This Fall session is now full. Please visit Connection Groups in December for the next available session.
Masterlife: The Disciple's Cross
A Bible study that helps you experience life in Christ through practicing six identified biblical disciplines: spending time with the Master, living in the Word, praying in faith, fellowshipping with believers, witnessing to the world, and ministering to others.

This Fall session is now full. Please visit Connection Groups in December for the next available session.

Look– life happens. And when life looks like trauma, loss, or a spiritual setback, we have groups led by trained or licensed professionals, counselors and/or pastoral caregivers to help you move toward healing and wholeness.  

You are more than a conqueror - you are an overcomer!

Click here to Learn more.

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