Maximum Impact

Maximum Impact Experience

Every Sunday at 10:00am & 12:00pm
Grades 6 - 12

Confirmation 2025

It's time for Confirmation 2025!
Students age 12 to 12th grade who are ready to profess their faith and take an active role in their relationship with Jesus are invited to join this year's class of Confirmands.

Classes begin February 16 in lieu of the 12 pm NxT-G Experience.
Full Schedule:
Confirmation Classes: Sundays 2/16 - 3/7, 12 pm
Confirmation Retreat at Camp Glisson: 2/28 - 3/2
Confirmation Baptism: 3/14
Confirmation Ceremony: 3/23
What is Confirmation?
Confirmation is an important journey that helps our young people understand the pillars of our faith, our heritage, our practices, and our beliefs. It's a step towards embracing the Christian faith as part of one's beliefs and identity, and it signifies the desire to continue growing as a faithful disciple of Jesus Christ.
This journey also enlightens our youth about the essence of living a Christian life and participating in the church's mission worldwide.
How old do you need to be to register for Confirmation?
Confirmation is a path of discipleship for all youth age 12 and above. Confirmation provides our teenagers with a dedicated space to understand and embrace the responsibility of being a disciple of Christ in a community of peers, mentors, and church leaders.
What happens during the Confirmation process?
Our confirmation process includes 5 learning and activity sessions, a group camp retreat, a family service project, and culminates with Confirmation Sunday.
At the end of this journey, all participants have the opportunity to reaffirm the vows made during their baptism or to take baptismal vows if they have not been baptized before.
What guides and resources will be used?
In addition to clergy and facilitator-led moments, Confirmation classes will use the Credo curriculum. Credo provides a different kind of confirmation experience that reflects the greater life experience and thinking capacity of older youth or young adults.
It consists of 6 units covering God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Prevenient Grace, Justifying Grace, and Sanctifying Grace. 
I have more questions. Who can I talk to?
Our Pastoral Team is here to answer your questions! Please email us at or speak to our clergy members on campus on Sundays.

“Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young. Instead, set an example for the believers through your speech, behavior, love, faith and purity.”

1 Timothy 4:12

Maximum Impact is on a mission to transform the lives of youth to know, own and live who they are in God.  Maximum Impact serves middle and high school students. Maximum Impact is a resource and a source of encouragement for reaching out and equipping the youth in our church, our community, and in our world.