"Developing a personal love relationship with Jesus Christ that results in a lifelong journey of obedience. As you follow Christ, He transforms you to be like Him, He changes your values to kingdom values, and He involves you in His mission in your home, church, and world. As His disciple, you will progressively know Him more deeply, obey Him more quickly, reflect Him more accurately, and invite others into His kingdom more regularly." Masterlife Together
1 Corinthians 12:12-27
John 15:5
For all of God’s people to Engage in intentional quests for full lives.
Hebrews 10:25
Matthew 7:24
For all of God’s people to Build encouraging and accountable relationships with God and one another.
Matthew 4:4
Hebrews 4:12-13
For all of God’s people to Grow through reflection on and application of the written and living Word.
James 1:22
Ephesians 2:22
For all of God’s people to Transform into cheerful givers of time, treasure and talent.


Are you looking for a place to start your journey but are unsure where to begin?
Or, have you been on the journey for a while and are looking for a fresh wind?

Check out these opportunities to engage with others and discover more about yourself and God.


Build relationships with God, Self and God’s people.

Are you eager to build community by building relationships with others who share a common passion, gift, or season of life?
Are you looking for ways to build your relationship with God and gain a better understanding of self?

Then embark upon your journey here.


Grow your knowledge of God through the application of God’s word.

Are you ready to live the Word?
Are you wanting more from your quiet time, prayer life or understanding of God’s word?
Are you seeking a renewed mind and a clean heart?
Your journey can begin here.


Transform lives and communities through the generosity of your time, talent and treasure.

Are you ready to align your walk and your talk with Christ?
Ready to not only be transformed but use your gifts of time, talent and treasure to transform lives and communities?
Then you are ready for this personal, lifelong journey within an obedient relationship with Jesus Christ.

Still unsure what all this means? Let's connect.